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Businesses are quickly realizing the importance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for modern marketing. AI is a simulation of human intelligence processes by a machine and is driven by machine learning.

Artificial intelligence has the ability to learn from data. This means AI can make decisions that are tailored specifically for a business. AI is now able to predict behavior patterns and provide responses accordingly. This gives businesses an edge in understanding their customers so they can make smarter marketing decisions.

Artificial Intelligence has been around since the 1950s. It’s currently experiencing an upward trend in the business world because it can enable real-time, data-driven decisions. AI is continually evolving as more data becomes available.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that uses software to solve complex problems. AI enables machines, like self-driving cars or manufacturing robots, to perform tasks traditionally done by humans.

Machine Learning (ML), on the other hand, refers to using statistical models to analyze data and find patterns that can then be used for predictions or classification. They are different but related concepts.

In short, AI is a simulation of human intelligence processes by a machine. Artificial intelligence is driven by machine learning. AI has the ability to learn from data, which means AI can make decisions that are tailored specifically for a specific application.

AI is now able to predict what people will do. AI can help businesses understand their customers and make smarter marketing decisions.

AI Encompasses Many Technologies

AI is not a single technology; rather, it encompasses many technologies that work together to produce intelligent outcomes. Artificial intelligence can be classified into five key areas:

Knowledge Representation – the ability of an AI system to represent knowledge in some formal language or other symbolic representation (i.e., using computer code)

Planning – the ability to create a sequence of actions that will accomplish some goal

Reasoning – the capacity for an intelligent system to apply logic and knowledge in order to answer questions, solve problems, or make decisions

Learning – the process by which an artificial intelligence program improves its performance on a specific task by analyzing data, detecting patterns and making predictions

Natural Language Processing – the ability to use or understand human language as it is spoken or written.

Artificial Intelligence Relies on Machine Learning

Devices and software leverage machine learning analyze new information in the context of relevant historical data, and then make decisions based on what has or hasn’t worked in the past.

Modern marketing relies on an in-depth understanding of customer needs and preferences, and then the ability to act on that knowledge quickly and effectively; this has brought Artificial Intelligence to the forefront for marketing!

Leveraging A.I. In Business & Marketing

Artificial intelligence is currently experiencing an upward trend in the business world because it can enable real-time, data-driven decisions. It is important for business owners to understand this technology so they can use its benefits to their advantage.

Using an AI system can automate many tasks such as appointment setting with sales prospects. The frees up your time so you can focus on other important tasks in your business such as selling and closing deals. A.I. can free up time from other day-to-day activities too so that you’re able to focus on the parts of the business you enjoy most.

To learn more about leveraging AI technology to grow your business schedule a free discovery call with Jeff >>>